Spring Fever
We're so excited for warmer days and longer hours of sunshine and all of our new spring and summer styles flooding in! My husband and I both work full time jobs during the day and then work on things with the store in the evening. These past few weeks we have come home to piles of boxes being delivered and our home office full! Even though we know what we have ordered at apparel shows, it is still exciting to open the boxes and remember just what we ordered. The majority of the time we fall in love with the clothes all over again. Once in a blue moon though, we open a box and say, "who ordered that?" and we laugh! We hope you love our new spring and summer styles as much as we do. Let us know if there is something you would like to see us carry in the store. We're always looking for new styles and designs to carry, and always, thank you so much for your support!
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